Log into your account at
Click on ‘Application Status’ to view your current registration information.
Click on ‘Request Change.’
Tip: if you are using a mobile device, you may need to scroll over to the right in order to see the ‘request change’ button.
This will take you page-by-page through your change request application.
To remove your grow site, simply uncheck the box that says “This patient has a grow site.”
To change your grow site, enter the new address on the following page.
Hit ‘SAVE APPLICATION‘ to ensure the information does not revert back to the old information.
Tip: the website can be glitchy and we have found this ‘save application’ step helps the infomation to “stick”
You will need to upload your current ID, as listed on your application. (driver’s license, state ID or passport)
Be sure to continue through the entire application, including paying the Department of Health a $16.50 change fee, and accepting the terms and conditions.
You will see a ‘Thank You’ page at this point.
The Department of Health will process the change, typically in 1-3 business days and notify you by email when your new card is available for download.
At this point, your old card will become invalid and your new card will need to be used to enter a dispensary etc.
If you do shop at our local dispensaries on the Big Island, both Big Island Grown and Hawaiian Ethos will print and laminate it for you as a patient courtesy.
For more information on the upcoming changes to Hawaii’s medical cannabis laws relating to caregivers and the personal cultivation of cannabis for medical use, implemented after December 31, 2024- Click our link below